Conception and analysis of your online shop

We don't just develop your online shop but bring a whole range of know-how and experience from many "best practices" to the project. Through our experience on both sides: on the part of an online shop operator as well as on the part of a software development agency we are the perfect partner for your project.

We were able to gain a lot of experience in all areas in many e-commerce projects, which means that we can now incorporate this into your individual project and lead you to success.

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UI / UX design as a core element of every online shop

We know from experience that a simple UI design is no longer sufficient to assert oneself on the market against the competition and especially with potential users/customers.

More about web design
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UX design

A good UX design is essential for success in e-commerce. That is why we create our designs taking into account the “state of the art” trends and through constant monitoring, we improve which features and functions work in the particular area and offer the best possible performance.

We are there for you

Also after the (re)launch

We know that the work on an online shop is not over after the re(launch). There are always new requirements, caused by Google updates, new landing pages, or completely new features for the online shop. Our processes are designed to have long-term relationships with our clients and to be at their side at all times.

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Magento, Shopware und co.

We have implemented many e-commerce projects in different systems. From Magento 1 über Magento 2 zu Shopware, Mauve and much more.

We have a lot of experience in the implementation of interfaces for different merchandise management systems and in the development of individualized modules for different online shop systems.

E-commerce tracking

E.G. With google analytics

Each shop operator is familiar with the situation when a marketing agency wants to have countless pixels integrated into the shop and technical service providers refuse or simply cannot cope with this request. The reason is a lack of knowledge of the marketing agency in technology and of the technical service provider in marketing.

This never happens to us.
We are professionals in e-commerce tracking because we understand all sides. For e-commerce tracking, which is much more complicated than tracking a corporate website, we have our own alkima module for a wide variety of shop systems such as Magento, Shopware, and co. which means that the integration of the Google Tag Manager is no longer a problem for us.


Nothing helps if the base doesn't fit!

In order to develop the right basis, one needs a lot of knowledge, not only in software development, but also in online marketing and, above all, how the processes actually work in e-commerce. Only those who consolidate all of this knowledge are able to create a basis for an online shop that is not only target-oriented but also expandable. One part of the whole thing is often forgotten or has to be solved via third-party providers, the hosting. Experience has shown that this often leads to problems.

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We have a solution for this!

We are specialists not only in software development and web design but also in application hosting. A combination of software development and hosting management in one company allows us to avoid such problems.

Our hosting environment is individually and perfectly tailored to your needs!

More about hosting

Data protection is mandatory

The General Data Protection Regulation, which came into force in 2018, has changed a lot on the web. The regulation has tightened the obligations of online shops and website operators and greatly increased the associated penalties. This regulation is valid throughout Europe and every operator on the web must always have the protection of his users at the top of the to-do list.

We offer our customers compliance with the GDPR in all of our processes and you can always rest assured that data protection is also at the top of our list!


Headless commerce

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

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Learn more about our services

Copporate Websites

It doesn't matter whether it's WordPress, TYPO3, Contao or custom development. We develop professional web projects aimed at a certain target group.


Individual Software Development

For over 15 years, we have been experienced in custom programming and project development for our clients based on various technologies.
